Quantity of 50 Projectiles
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Copper CNC milled Projectiles Cavity Back 300 Blackout MKZ - Maximum Kill Zone This is our 125 grain premium hunting bullet for the 300 Blackout shooters. This projectile is specifically adjusted to the speeds and energy of the 300 Blackout.
Opening diameter in ballistic gel tested to .800 of an inch.
Match Grade Hunting Projectiles
California Fish and Game Approved Certified Copper Non-lead Projectiles
Opening speed range down to 1100 feet per second. This bullet still has substantial double caliber expansion at 1100 fps.
Ballistic Coefficient - .320 G1 BC
Projectile Length - 1.066 in, 27.08 mm
Quantity of 50 Projectiles
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Cavity Back 7.62mm/.308 300 Blackout Subsonic MKZ- Maximum Kill Zone This is our 195 grain premium expanding hunting bullet for the 300 Blackout or any Subsonic 30 Caliber application.
Opening diameter in ballistic gel tested to 1.13 inches. 3.7 times caliber expansion!!
California Fish and Game Approved Certified Non-lead Projectiles
Opening speed range 600 feet per second to 2000 feet per second. This bullet still shows up to triple caliber expansion as low as 600 fps. It is designed to specifically provide maximum expansion from 1100 FPS down to 600 FPS. Picture of expanded bullet was at 975 feet per second with expansion at 1.13 inches. This provides expansion to well past 300 meters at subsonic speeds.
Ballistic Coefficient - .360 G1 at Mach 1 = 1116 FPS
Projectile Length - 1.41 in, 35.81 mm